We invite you to experiment a new dimension in the history of public relations

  What does it mean staying in a Cultural hotel?

  1. ViñetaFor the Traveller:

The Hotel is not anymore simply a place to spend  a night or to have dinner, it is also your cityguide. Offers information and personal contact, because you cannot miss anything of your interest in these cities.They dont just take care of you.

From now on they also guide you and inform you!

  1. ViñetaFor the Hotel:

Imagine your Hotel interrelating with the clients, by creating a unique contact  for both of them  for the future. Your Hotel can be a melting spot of clients with cultural interests.

Hotel with Cultural Services - Hotels Cult+ Hotel

  1. 3 Books CULT+ HOTEL:  Thematic Hotel Service by Cultural Hotels.

5 to 7 conferences per week.

  1. 2 Books CULT+ HOTEL: Informational service of culture.

3 to 4 conferences per week.

  1. 1 Book CULT+ HOTEL: Informational service.

1 to 2 conferences per week.

Assosiation of Hotels: Hotels with possible Cultural service offers.

Hotels that offer to their clients daily cultural presentations with information, history and  recommendations to visit and to enjoy more the given region.

Cult+ Hotel